Couples Therapy

There’s A Way Back To Happiness.

“If you do not address your childhood traumas, your romantic relationships will.”

-Neil Strauss


Even if your relationship feels hopeless right now, the good times are coming again – you just need to get started.

Even the best relationships go through rough patches – the spark goes out, one of you has feelings for someone else, maybe there’s been infidelity, lying, hurt feelings, and that same old conflict. It’s not too late – Serafin Upton can help.

The process for Relationship Therapy starts with completing the Application Process which involves completing a 5-minute Relationship Therapy Questionnaire [RTQ] which helps Serafin understand the problem you’re seeking to solve.  

The questionnaires need to be completed individually.

Serafin will read your responses and reflect on the best way forward, then reply to you with options as to how we approach the work we do together.

Please note that your questionnaire response(s) are private and confidential and are not shared with your partner. 

Do Any Of These Statements Sound Familiar?

  • I want to leave my relationship but don’t know how – or if I really should

  • I care deeply for my partner, but there’s no physical or emotional intimacy

  • I’ve been having feelings for someone else

  • We’re good at talking about our feelings, and yet we get stuck and can’t move forward

  • We have the same argument again and again

  • We seem to always avoid talking about things


Online + intensive couples sessions

Study after study shows that therapy and coaching are just as effective over video calls as in person – while being far more convenient for you. Option to meet online or in person for couples intensives.

Click here to download the Couples Intensive brochure

The secret to success in a long term relationship is growth.

Be someone and be with someone who motivates you to do better in life.

Do you inspire each other to become better versions of yourselves?

Cutting-edge relationship therapy

Click the button below if you're ready to see how relationship therapy can help you.

  • Comprehensive electronic intake questionnaire 

  • 120-minute session to establish the underlying reason you’re facing these challenges

  • Fortnightly coaching sessions to accelerate your relational growth journey

  • An action plan for how to manage between sessions 

  • Unlimited email and phone support throughout the process 

  • Actionable session summaries that are easy to do and change the game forever

  • Activities and resources chosen specifically for your personality, values, and relationship style

  • A detailed roadmap for how to maintain your joy, intimacy, and calm into the future

Rekindle: Couples Retreat

During Serafin Upton’s Exclusive 3-Day Transformational Intensive Relationship Retreat, you will reconnect with your partner and learn to communicate individual and interpersonal needs, inspire intimate sex and togetherness, and re-discover love and affection.