serafin upton

Lover Wanted

Find the lover in your partner.  Conversations to increase intimacy.

Everything in our lives is shaped by our relationships - including our relationship with relationships. 

You might be wondering if this podcast is for you. 

Maybe you’re in a relationship and always argue with or withdraw from your partner, but you want things to change.

Maybe you’re single and want to learn what it takes to attract, build, and sustain healthy relationships. 

Or maybe what’s important for you right now is resolving trauma and working on your relationship with yourself.

Here we uncomplicate your sex and love life for good.

You’re listening to Lover Wanted with Serafin Upton, qualified Sex and Relationship Therapist. 

From helping thousands of people with their sex and relationship issues, I know one thing for sure:  We can all undo unhelpful patterns imprinted by our past that create a disconnect between us and our partners. 

My clients have tonnes of questions about sex and relationships.  I figured… if my clients had these questions then others would also benefit from hearing the answers.  

In this podcast, we cover challenges like-

  • Why do home builds and renovations send couples to the brink of breakdown?

  • Why do autism, ADHD, and neurodiversity cause issues in relationships?

  • Why do minor betrayals in the first few days of two people getting together, have reverberating effects years down the track in an otherwise healthy relationship?

  • Why do long-term couples who have an otherwise fantastic relationship stop having sex? 

No matter what kind of relationship you’re in: whether you’re single, in a long-term relationship, or ethically non-monogamous.  If you feel lost and confused in your relationship rather than happy and safe, then you’re in the right place. 

In this community with the help of guests that join the show, you’ll be able to: 

  • Prevent issues from forming in your relationship so that conflict becomes rare

  • Learn how to stay present instead of withdrawing from your partner

  • Learn how to fight better resulting in greater intimacy 

  • Nourish your relationship with sex in ways that align with your values

Episodes air every fortnight.  Click on the subscribe button to get notified of every new release so that you can start unburdening your heavy heart or your busy mind.

Relating and love are skills.  Undoing any traumas that shaped you is a process.  People who focus on learning the skills of relating, and confront themselves and their patterns without judgement, end up not sucking at relationships.  

On this show, you’ll learn to untangle the complexities of sex, love, and relationships so that you can be someone who is great at relating no matter what kind of relationship you’re in.

This show is hosted by Serafin Upton, a qualified Sex and Relationship Therapist with over 20 years experience. 

Serafin is joined by psychologists, doctors, and other sex and relationship experts, sometimes from unlikely places.  Topics covered on the show will revolve around sex and relationship therapy. 

Whether you’re single, in a relationship, monogamous, or ethically non-monogamous, you’re in the right place. 

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